Image of an author Software Engineering blog Szymon Świergosz

Wikimedia hackathon

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In May 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the MediaWiki Hackathon held in the captivating city of Athens, Greece. As a first-time attendee...

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What are JavaScript Proxies?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

During our daily work, we often use different tools and we don't necessarily wonder how specific aspects of code work. Let's think for a moment about an ordinary front-end engineer. They probably use React or Angular...

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I started learning Golang

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

As a developer, it's crucial to keep learning and expanding your skillset. Fortunately, we (as software engineers) have a lot of opportunities to do that. That's what I value the most in my job - the possibilities for...

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Zod - the cherry on the cake

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I'll start with a simple but honest statement - I love TypeScript. Honestly, I can't imagine writing web apps without it. It helps me to avoid a lot of potential mistakes as well as keep away from many JavaScript quirks. And just when I thought TypeScript...

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Astro, islands & my blog

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Some time ago I started to think about creating my own technical blog. One of the biggest problems was choosing a tool with which the platform would be created. On the market there as many of them...

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